Download Future Libraries
Date of placement: 22.08.2012
Fоrmats: pdf, text, ipad, ebook, audio, android, epub
Size: 12.33 MB
Authоr: Walt Crawford, Michael Gorman

Windows 7 Libraries
LBJ Presidential Library
Rutgers University Libraries Main Page: Comprised of twenty-six libraries, centers, and reading rooms located on Rutgers' campuses in New Brunswick/Piscataway, Camden Ramstein Air Base Library
The MIT Sesquicentennial Video Collection offers a look at 150 days of events, symposia, art installations and perfomances that marked the Institute's anniversary.
Shared Library US Army Europe Library
University of Washington Libraries

Gateway to information on all libraries and collections of Yale University.
Links to all Harvard libraries as well as access to online catalogs.
Research affiliations: Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries.
Libraries With Premium Home Page | Yale University Library
The LBJ Library houses 45 million pages of historical documents, 650,000 photos and 5,000 hours of recordings from President Johnson's political career.